Nice to meet you.


Matthew Sigmon

This website is a collection of things I’ve made—or had a hand in making—that matter to me. Some have reached public audiences, some have not, and a few were never intended for that purpose. Still, I’ve pinned them on the wall for reasons that feel important.

I call myself a Serial Creative, and have for a long time. It fits, because my artistic interests and efforts have splashed across a range of media, and apparently, I have no idea when to quit, so on it goes. These days, the label still applies, but more to the evolution of my thoughts and views than to any particular way of expressing them. These are unprecedented times we live in, and it’s critical that we pay attention and work to understand what’s happening. When I do that, it results in some kind of artwork, and that’s where all this stuff comes from.

Artists are people who allow—or can’t avoid—being profoundly affected by what they encounter in life. Some of those encounters light us up, and we’re driven to model those moments using whatever we can get our hands on. For me, creative process is utilitarian—it’s how I make sense of the world, and has been for as long as I can remember. But art, once created, has a unique potential to enrich. It can define context, illuminate nuance, increase depth, and clarify meaning in ways the traditional trappings of workaday life rarely do.

I can’t count on that happening, no artist can. But nothing would make me happier if it did. I hope there’s some value in what you find.